Crocodile Newts - The genera Echinotriton and Tylototriton)
Preface by Liang Fei, Acknowledgements, Travel notes from southern Asia, The Primitive Salamandridae of Asia, Mass extinction of salamanders around the world, Systematics, including a Phylogeny of the primitive Salamandridae of Asia, Keeping crocodile newts, Echinotriton maxiquadratus, Echinotriton chinhaiensis , Echinotriton andersoni, Tylototriton verrucosus , Tylototriton shanjing, Tylototriton pulcherrimus, Tylototriton anguliceps, Tylototriton podichthys, Tylototriton uyenoi, Tylototriton yangi, Tylototriton shanorum, Tylototriton himalayanus, Tylototriton kweichowensis, Tylototriton taliangensis, Tylototriton pseudoverrucosus, Supraspecies asperrimus , Tylototriton asperrimus, Tylototriton hainanensis, Tylototriton notialis, Tylototriton ziegleri, Supraspecies wenxianensis , Tylototriton wenxianensis, Tylototriton dabienicus, Tylototriton broadoridgus, Tylototriton lizhengchangi, Tylototriton liuyangensis, Tylototriton vietnamensis, Tylototriton panhai.
Frankfurt am Main 2016
415 Seiten
Mehr als 600 Farbfotos
Karten zu allen Arten
Preis: 59,80 Euro für 1 Buch (VPE)
(entspricht 59,80 Euro für 1 Buch)